The Living End Band: Do They Have Any Social Accounts?
The Social Media is today an absolute must to any and every artist who take themselves seriously. Whether the people handling the accounts are the musicians themselves or have a hired team, it is always needed to have a presence on every platform. Let´s look one by one.

“First official fan page.”
The Living End has an official page for the platform with a huge following of 143,401 people and the verified account tick (Facebook itself awards this to big acts). The options the page offers are very varied including Events, Mailing list, Photos, Videos, Notes, Concerts, an option called WIN! Which features an ended contest. The list ends with Posts and Community featuring all the band´s friends. Interaction is not as intense as one might think; the band has more than 140 thousand followers, but only some posts get more than a hundred likes. The comments are not so frequent, and the band only uses it for official communication, professional photos, and high-quality videos.
There are no small things and insider pictures that make fans engage and get more than they would out of a website. Nonetheless, when searching for the band, you find three pages: the official one and then two fan pages. One of them is a closed group called “The Living End Appreciation Society” and calls for “the greatest band ever. Can’t stress this enough” This shows the strong support their diehard fans have for the band. The closed group has 350 members, and they are posting all the time about album findings on eBay and meeting at the band´s gigs. The other page is the Official fans club for the band, it has an amazing 1,550 members and growing. They also post about meeting at gigs, and the cover page is fans at the end of a concert holding a set list. The description reads: “The Living End is one of Australia’s hardest working and most honest rock bands.”

“Second most important social
media for the living end.”
This is the second most important Social Media in the world, and they have a profile with 13,600 followers. All photos have more reactions, hundreds of likes in every picture but also, there is no insider peek into the private life of the band. There are some live photos from different angles than the ones people would find elsewhere but little or no exclusive content as well as very few written words. Also, the band uses their account to publicly post the flyers for their upcoming shows from the band or other acts in which band members contribute like Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.

“The Living End band has
also a twitter.”
The Living End´s account on this platform has more than ten thousand followers with only 1,200 tweets and only a handful of pictures. They use this platform the same way they use the previous ones to promote the official content specially produced for them. There are very little fan interaction and hardly any comments on any of the posts. The band doesn´t use the retweet function or share any other act´s content.

“Serious for social media.”
The band´s presence in the social media is not scarce but is very orthodox, not like the band´s overall image of rebel grown-ups who don´t stick to the rules and defy age. Maybe their approach is more serious than the band is, and they end up showing an image because it´s not them who actually post there, but a team working to “make them look right.”